Shaynee Tyl
English 1 3rd
What a Team player is made up of
For cross country I have a positive attitude and confidence which makes me a good team player and helps me win. At the district meet in Elysian Fields I had confidence,positive attitude in myself and my team. Just like the cross country team any other sport has to have players with a positive attitude and confidence in order to win. A spectacular team player is made up of a positive attitude and confidence.
During cross country season I have a positive attitude toward my coach, teammates, and myself. For example, race day is one of the hardest days for some people because we have to wake up at 5:00am, bring a positive attitude with us and hope everyone shows up. For everyone to show up is good since we practice together,we should race together, waking up at five in the morning makes it more difficult to have a positive attitude toward everyone. In addition, the attitude you bring with you to practice is the attitude you will have for your race,at practice you should have a more positive attitude toward your training. The reason for that is because the way you train is the way you perform on the real day.
Confidence is very important in a team sport and being a team player.For example, to be a good team player you have to believe in yourself that you and your team will win. At the district meet in Elysian Fields I had confidence in my team and myself that we would win district together and advance to regionals as one. Because of our confidence in believing in ourselves and teammates we won district, advanced to regionals, and had one person go to state. Therefore, to be a good team player, the athlete must have confidence in any sport or activity they participate in.
After the race at Elysian Fields the team gathered together to show their attitudes and confidence in every single athlete by telling everyone “.The whole team had positive attitudes and confidence toward each other which makes them a good team player.